Turing+ Can Boost Your Company's Product Goals

We serve as a pipeline for top-notch talent and you serve as a launchpad for the careers of selected graduates. Our grads have diverse and unique backgrounds, many of whom bring software engineering skills strengthened by experience in their previous careers. Let our graduates help you build an inclusive tech workforce.

Turing+ was created in May 2020 in response to the hiring slowdown at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The idea with Turing+ was that our graduates would continue to keep their skills sharp, get that “first job” experience and at the same time help companies who were also hit financially by the pandemic. With financial support from our partner companies, grants, and workforce funds, we were able to help over 120 Turing Grads gain valuable work experience with over 50 partner companies.

Aside from these very practical outcomes, the program gave our graduates something even more valuable during such an uncertain time... hope.

Beginning in December of 2020, we started to see a turnaround in the hiring activities rounding out the busiest quarter for hiring ever seen at Turing. We initially thought this was due to a temporary backlog in hiring activity, but the trend has continued through 2021. As such, we have decided to discontinue the Turing+ initiative.

We are dedicated to helping our partner companies continue to find great talent. There are lots of different ways to engage with us. For more details, please check out our opportunities here.

Partner companies notice that Turing Fellows have strong technical abilities from their 7 months of training at the Turing School and the capacity to jump into a variety of environments like learning new languages and frameworks while fulfilling product needs.

“Recent grads might lack ‘on the job’ experience, but they are fully qualified and ready to learn as much as they can. Every single one I’ve interviewed has a passion for what they do, which naturally leads into strong and talented team members,” – Taylor Pridgen a Front End Software Engineer at Turbine Labs who mentored Turing Fellows.

Additionally, they bring in professional skills such as collaboration, teamwork, and thought diversity from their experience in prior careers and experience working on Turing projects. They have learned to be self-starters and have the aptitude to work independently and are eager to start building their professional career with minimal mentorship from their selected partner company.

What partner companies say:

"Turing+ provides a diverse field of turn-key candidates who are energetic and ready to put their newly acquired skills to work. Fielding, interviewing candidates, and extending an offer is simple, and Turing+ will partner with you from start to finish, even pre-screening candidates to meet your specific needs. Upskilling the workforce is critical to meet the needs of a growing tech community, and Turing+ enables small companies like us to participate in that." – Evan Harris Chief Technology Officer at TermScout