Quarter 3 2018 Jobs Report

It’s that time again! As we welcome fall, let’s take a look back at our jobs data for Q3. Every quarter we present updated information on alumni jobs, as part of our commitment to transparency and accuracy in results reporting.

During the period between July 1 and September 30:
- 36 Turing alumni accepted job offers
- 2 students started jobs prior to graduation
- The average time to hire was 63 days
- The median salary was $75,000
- 26 job offers were in Colorado, 8 elsewhere in the US, 3 fully remote and 1 international
During Quarter 3 we graduated 45 students (24 from 1801 and 21 from 1803). The placement rate for new grads was as follows:
- 1801 Front End: 53% (61 days post-grad)
- 1801 Back End: 66% (61 days post-grad)
- 1803 Front End: 18% (12 days post-grad)
- 1803 Back End: 10% (12 days post-grad)
Those accepting jobs during Q3 reported an average 4.28 (out of 5) degree of satisfaction with their job hunt process.
At the end of the quarter, 40 alumni were job seeking (up from 38 in Q2).
Although we had both fewer graduates and fewer alumni accept jobs during Quarter 3, the data still remains on a consistent positive trend. Of particular note this quarter is the spike in both average and median salary. The median increased $2,500 to $75,000 and the average jumped $8,420 to $80,952. While the lower end of our salary range did come up, the increase in median and average can be attributed to an increased number of offers at $100k or above (predominantly around the Bay Area). We’ll have to wait and see if this trend of higher salaries/alumni relocating to California continues.
One of our key metrics is the 30% in 30 days series. The last seven cohorts have all hit the 30% hired in 30 days, but only 3 of those have gone on to hit 60% in 60 days. Two then went on to hit 90% in 90 and only one reached the desired 100% in 100 days. While we had previously identified 90 days as a turning point, reflecting the drop off in hire rates after 90 days, the data also points toward a slowdown at the 60-day mark. We will continue to monitor cohort progress towards 60% in 60 and investigate new strategies to help alumni over this hurdle.
The newest metric we are actively tracking is how the alumni became connected with their opportunity. As we continue to engage with employee partners, we want to see how those engagements are corresponding to alumni jobs. How many of them are finding work through a Turing connection versus cold applying or leveraging their own networks? In Q3, 42% of responses indicated they found their position via Turing staff or alumni. 8% were found by the employer browsing the Turing portfolio page. 50% found their job through other means.
Though dealing with a slightly smaller number of graduates and job, Q3 showed steady progress on our metrics. We are very proud of the alumni who accepted jobs this quarter and the determination and drive they have shown to complete both the program and the job hunt. Huge congratulations to all of our grads and all of our newly employed alumni!
Would you like to join the ranks of the 240 companies who have hired a Turing grad? Reach out at kayt@turing.io, or browse our job seekers at https://alumni.turing.io