Q3 2022 Jobs and Hiring Report

In Q2 of 2022, it looked like certain programmer hiring trends and workplace shifts that started during the pandemic really started to gel as the tech industry’s “new normal.” Q3 saw further evidence of the push for long-term hybrid and remote developer roles, which are firmly here to stay. Check this out:
70% of jobs offered to Turing School graduates in Q3 were fully remote, while 20% were hybrid and just 10% were fully in-office, according to our ongoing tracking of alumni outcomes.
That’s great news for anyone looking for a blend of financial security and flexibility in their career. But it’s especially promising for professionals from diverse backgrounds, who have reported in numerous studies over the past couple years that remote work helps them thrive with a better work / life balance.
Wondering what else Turing coding school graduates found waiting for them in the job market this quarter? The solidification of hybrid and remote work opportunities weren’t the only pieces of good news for alumni embarking on a new career path.
The Numbers
In Q3 2022:
- Turing graduates rated their satisfaction with their job search at 4.7 out of 5
- 44% of Turing graduates were connected to a job opportunity by staff or alumni
- 59 alumni accepted jobs during Q3
- 32 of those job seekers negotiated for better salary, benefits and other perks
Check out the full Q3 2022 Jobs Report for more detail on all of these numbers.
Make the switch: If your goal is to change careers and transition to a location-flexible or fully remote position with a strong starting salary, apply to Turing today
WFH Jobs That Pay Well Do Exist
It’s reassuring to see so many Turing graduates rate their tech job search a positive and productive one—especially as the 2022 hiring market ends on a note of sometimes contradictory trends. The Great Reshuffle may have cooled slightly along with economic confidence. But front-end and back-end developers remain in high demand, particularly in growing sectors like healthtech, proptech, education and more.
Upskilling now to pivot into a career with consistently strong outcomes remains a smart, strategic choice—especially if you graduate from a well-respected code school with a strong portfolio in hand that illustrates your sprint experience and communication skills required for remote programmer roles.
The salary increases that typically accompany the leap to software development help code school degrees quickly pay for themselves.
In Q3 2022, the median annual salary of new hires who graduated from Turing was $85,000. The average salary before Turing? $45,367.
That’s almost $40,000 a year more than is standard for U.S. workers, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data for the same time period. Not only does that 55% increase in pay eclipse the cost of a code school degree, but those funds can also be applied to other debt, boost personal savings and improve overall quality of life with more discretionary income.
When you factor in the time and money that remote and hybrid workers save on commuting, childcare and other expenses versus fully in-office employees, those starting salaries become even more compelling. Studies show, too, that remote workers are often able to garner higher salaries than their in-office peers by an average of $3,000 per year.
Jumpstart Your Tech Career
If you’re a current high school student on track to graduate soon, code school is a short path to starting your programming career instead of undertaking a traditional college degree. The new Turing Launch Program is designed specifically for young career starters who need technical training, but also a strong emphasis on professional development. The first Launch Program cohort begins January 2023—and we are currently accepting applications.
And if you’re trying to decide whether Front End Engineering, Back End Engineering or the Launch Program is the best path for you, take a trial run first. Check out one of our Try Coding events to experience Turing’s unique approach to programming instruction. You can also schedule a call or email admissions@turing.edu to talk with one of our admissions counselors—we look forward to helping you explore the options.